As a founder, You are not the chess piece
you play chess
you are not the one in the battle
you are the one who planned the negotiations for peace at the end
you are not the doer
What does that mean?
Entrepreneurs do things
Founders remove things
Entrepreneurs fix things. They toil. They think. x must be done to get to Y scenario. They constantly ask themselves and everyone around them…How do i do it? How am i going to do it?
Founders eliminate obstacles. They toil too. But they know. X doesn’t have to get done to get to Y scenario. They don’t ask themselves questions. They get it done. The only thing they ask themselves is… why must it get done
One works
The other lives
One celebrates
The other thrives
One worries
The other prepares
One runs
The other walks…calmly..towards his destination.
If you ever find yourself wondering if you’re going to get something done
or wondering why circumstances are in your way
ask yourself
am I an entrepreneur
or a Founder