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Who has used and what are they saying?

Andy Hoang, CEO of Aviron Active (YC 21)
“We were starting off with no sales at all... and now we're doing hundreds of thousands a month"

Ram Chella, CEO of (F50)
"Once you articulate the pain point really well, selling is an easy process... $8 million of LOIs...realized revenue of $60k and another $40k... & we have a contract for $3.5 million dollars..."

Arun Lal, CEO of Contiq (Plug&Play)
"Apoorva, [is a] demand gen guru, I have worked with him closely and he can help build pipeline fast."

Ritesh Dalal, CEO of Intellective
"If you ever need to use me as a reference for customers, let me know."

Jan Rippingale, CEO of Blubanyan
"the attitude shift alone has been valuable…
Better planning, cashflow understanding, values/hiring, 2x org chart, operationalizing KPIs… These have given a lot of clarity."

Adrian Patel, CEO of Mailmonitor
"I remember when we joined we were doing like $8k a month... in the last 30 days we did a little over $100k"
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